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wiki forum

There is no way to note that the wiki forum is incorect. I spent an hour trying to figure out how to stinking change the font size in HARLOW and twine. the wiki is iether out of date or the code shown is not for harlow. idk i dnt know CSS. The only way i figured it out was someone on youtube said to "inspect" the code of your published story.

The wiki page *for beginners* to change the font size say to put this in the style sheet:
font-family: Palatino;
font-size: 18px;
It does not work.

you HAVE to put this:
tw-story{ font-size: 18px; }

what frustrates me most is there isn't a way to tag the page that it's inccorect. all i can say is it was updated over a year ago by Klembot. no way to reach him, and no support / contact on the wiki at all. This seems to be the onlly place i can ask a question or post for support.


  • You are certainly correct that that particular page of the the Twine 2 Guild is misleading when using the Harlowe story format, although I believe it is correct if you are using either Snowman or SugarCube. The Guild is aimed more towards how to use the Twine application itself and less about the features of each of the individual story formats.

    Each story format defines it's own macro language, core list of macros, the layout of it's HTML elements, the core CSS required to style those elements, and any other features that the developer of that story format chooses to implement.

    These things can change from one version of a story format to the next and this is why it is generally a good idea to read the story format's own documentation when trying to work out how to do something with that story format.

    Personally I thing the page of the Guild you linked to should be reduced to general information about where to place your custom CSS in a Story Project (generally in the Story Stylesheet area) and leave the suppliy of actual CSS to the story format's own documentation.
  • ok. then where is a page on how to look up and use the individual story format? i have little to no understanding of CSS, and found the core list of behaviors, but no where in there is statement that tw-story can change the font-size....

    is this just my lack of understanding CSS? i'm willing to accept that, though i still think a brief explaination of how to use the core format list in the story format editing page would be really helpful.

    my main point is the wiki page here should have a report inccorect button. most wiki's do. i understand if you don't want to make editing public, but a way to note something out of date. esp with a program that is WIP or likely to have changes made to it.
  • There is a Story Formats section on the main page of the wiki that contains links to the documentation for each of the main story formats, that documentation is generally written by the story format developer themselves.

    re: Harlowe's core CSS

    Harlowe's office documentation has limited information about the static/dynamic HTML and the related CSS used to construct the elements of it's page, but there is furkle's Twine 2 Harlowe CSS Tutorial which can be accessed via the How to change your story's appearance link in the Harlowe section of the wiki's main page.

    I can't answer why the wiki is setup how it is because I am not one of the Twine developers/administrators but you may be able to do more to it if you register for a user account, although I personally don't have one so that is speculation.
  • Yes, if you create an account on the wiki, you can modify the page -- that's the whole point of a wiki, after all! There are links to do so in the upper-right corner of the page.

    It does look like the documentation on that page fell out of date, so I've updated it.

  • ok. thank you. i know CSS is the next thing i'm going to look into. just got really frustrated spending an hour to do something simple...
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